網上登記專享以下服務: (只限HyperX 遊戲設備產品,不包含RAM / SSD)
Register is not a must. You can keep the full packing and invoice to enjoy the warranty. What you get after register:
1) 180 days One-for-One Replacement (after check the item is defective properly and we have replacement stock )
2) No need to keep the outer box and packing
3) 1st priority for ordering any limited edition or promotion item
HyperX 遊戲裝備系列: 購買日起計 2年
(請留意盒後方如 Orbit 系列為1年保養)
HyperX 配件 :購買日起計 180日
Warranty Period:
Hyper Gaming gear: 2 years
Orbit series : 1 year
HyperX Accessories: 180days
HyperX: https://www.hyperxgaming.com/en/support
Warranty information: https://www.hp.com/us-en/privacy/limited_warranty.html
Please check with the box for the warranty period as final.
請以電腦使用瀏覽器登入帳號或以手機登入 Google 帳號,即時上載單據及產品相片簡化流程
Please Login your Google account for uploading images and fill the form in simple way
所有產品必須貼有XGEAR (景帝貿易有限公司)保養貼紙
1) 請準備好購買單據相片(清楚顯示購買日期、貨品名稱及商戶名稱)
2) 請準備好購買產品外盒相片(清楚顯示購買產品名字及型號)
All the HyperX product must have "XGEAR" warranty label:
(by Viewking Trading Limited)
Before check for register, please prepare:
1) Invoice photo (with the store name & purchase date & item name)
2) A outlook photo of the Hyper'x gear packing box (can see the name of the product)
因為登記時需上載相片,所以如你沒有Google 帳戶, 請先去Google申請帳戶以便登記
如你不想申請Google 帳戶,只需要留外盒及購買單據也能享有保養期內保養服務的,謝謝!
Please apply an g-mail account to register the warranty because it needs to upload the photo document.
If you don't want to get a gmail account, just keep the invoice & the box , you also can enjoy the warranty in the authorized period. Thank you!
© 2021 Viewking Trading Limited